Rev. Dr. Attles
Pastor Attles was assigned to LaMott A.M.E. Church in Elkins Park Pennsylvania on January 22, 2012, where he currently pastors.
Pastor Attles received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Prairie View A & M University in Prairie View, Texas and his Master of Divinity Degree from Turner Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia. He obtained his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Andover Newton Seminary in Newton, Massachusetts. Pastor Attles has been involved in serving his Christian community all of his life. He has been in the service as a pastor for over 30 years.
We help people find abundance and joy through faith with engaging biblical training. Our mission is to make Bible study enjoyable and effective for daily devotion, supporting believers in building transformative faith.
See My Transformation
Over the years, I have witnessed people transition from studying the Bible as a discipline to enjoying discovering what God is saying to them. I believe anyone can hear God’s voice if they learn how to listen. My journey is about helping people hear the voice of God, moving from mere information about who God is to true transformation by working with God to create a better world.
I have developed a great system to help you analyze the word of God and hear His voice for yourself. No longer do you need an expert; when you hear God’s voice, you become the expert, knowing exactly what you need.
Looking ahead, I envision a future where people have a devotional life that helps them reach every goal that God gives them. As Hebrews 4:2 says, I want everyone to be able to mix the word with faith and achieve their goals.
Our Values
Prayer before reading the Bible serves as a spiritual preparation, opening your heart and mind to receive God's message. Starting your Bible study with prayer helps you set specific intentions for your reading session.
Word Search
A WORDsearch allows you to identify and explore the frequency and context of specific words across the Bible, revealing patterns, themes, and theological concepts that may not be apparent through casual reading. This method can deepen your understanding of how certain ideas are woven throughout the Scriptures, providing a more cohesive understanding of biblical teachings.
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword puzzles can emphasize important words within Scripture, encouraging you to notice and remember them. By requiring you to think about how these words fit into the puzzle and their relevance in the text, you naturally focus more on their meaning and significance in the biblical narrative.
Practice Scripture Study Methods
POOCH(Problems. Options, Outcomes, Choices) guide" to see how God enters the human story. By analyzing Problems, Options, Outcomes, and Choices in biblical stories, we can trace how God intervenes, guides, and influences human decisions and actions, demonstrating His active presence and sovereign plan in human history.